الشركة العلمية والإنتاجية ذ.م.م «T-Soft»

OAO Gazpromneft-MNPZ

OAO Gazpromneft-MNPZ
Stroeniye 3, 1, 2-oi kvartal, Kapotnya, Moscow, Russia 109429

Complex simulators:

  • Catalytic reforming unit ЛЧ-35-11/1000
  • Gas fractionation plant ГФУ-2
  • Combined unit for gas desulfurization, regeneration of MEA solution and production of elemental sulfur
  • Unit for obtaining technical hydrogen from hydrocarbon gases with their preliminary hydrotreating from sulfur compounds and two-stage purification from carbon monoxide UPV
  • Combined unit for atmospheric-vacuum distillation of oil with preliminary desalination and secondary distillation of gasoline ELOU-AVT-6
  • PSA unit for PSA production
  • Bitumen production units UPB
  • Installation for collection of hydrocarbon gases and vapors (recovery unit) of production No. 2 - catalytic cracking and upgrading of motor fuels
  • Combined plant for the production of MTBE and oligomerizate

Automated training system:

  • Software AOS "Briefing"

