Scientific and production
company LLC «T-Soft»

«Automated Procedures» System

One of the main activities of the T-Soft company is the implementation of automation systems at industrial enterprises of the petrochemical and oil refining industry. Automation systems developed by T-Soft specialists demonstrate reliable operation and ease of adaptation to the needs of each specific enterprise.

To develop the composition and functional features of automated procedures, the company's specialists conduct a detailed analysis of the technological process in order to determine the key factors affecting the safety, uninterrupted operation of the technological unit, as well as the quality of the products. During the analysis, process models and CPC are used.

The introduction of automated procedures makes it possible to automate standard actions during the transition of a technological unit from one state to another.

Basic principles for the implementation of Automated procedures

  • Automated procedures are launched at the command of the responsible executor.
  • The automated procedure is divided into modules reflecting the stages of the procedure implementation.

If the instrumentation fails (typical for a cold start), the operator can turn off the corresponding module, which will not affect the rest of the procedure.

  • Actions are performed step by step.
  • Actions related to the control of the DCS are performed automatically by the System.
  • By actions “in the field”, the System informs the operator about the need to perform manual operations that are part of the module and waits for confirmation of their completion. The transition to the next step occurs after confirming the execution of the manual actions of the current step.
  • To simplify interaction with the System, tips are provided.
  • The development of automated procedures is carried out in accordance with the Technological Regulations and the PLAS of the installation.

Cold and hot start module

The module implements an optimal standardized algorithm for starting the unit from a cold or hot state. During the implementation of the module, all technological parameters that affect the correctness of the procedure are automatically controlled.

Scheduled shutdown module

The module is designed to implement the optimal algorithm in the event of a planned shutdown of a technological facility.

Emergency stop module

The module provides an emergency safe shutdown of a technological process or a shutdown of a separate unit, and also implements an automatic on-line formation of optimal algorithms for localizing emergency situations associated with depressurization of pipelines and apparatus, ignition of products and other emergency situations.

Circulation translation module

The module executes an algorithm that transfers the installation or a separate unit to internal circulation.


Useful Materials


  • Working out PLAS scenarios on training complexes with a 3D "field"

  • System for a comprehensive assessment of the state of a technological object
    The system provides the operator with a generalized understanding of the state of the object, which is based on a mathematical analysis of the current technological parameters of the installation.
    Alarm Management System
    designed for improved (in comparison with the standard system) alarms flow control.
    Advanced process control system
    implements multi-parameter optimal control of the technological process with a forecast of steady-state values with an automatic transition to the production of products of another brand.