Scientific and production
company LLC «T-Soft»

Training management, automated control and personnel assessment

To manage the training, an intuitive interface has been developed that allows creating and editing tasks and training scenarios, performing operational management of the training process, as well as analyzing and printing the results of the training.

The software developed by T-Soft allows conducting a fully automated control of the trainees’ actions with the help of a unique control method, used to compare the deviation level of the actions obtained in the training process from a pre-conceived permissible scenario.

Each action of the trainee is recorded in the log for further analysis by the instructor of the training complex.

To effectively manage the training process, the instructor is provided with a wide range of tools, which includes the following functions:

  • editing the trainees database;
  • editing, recording and running training exercises;
  • editing, recording and running scripts;
  • simulation of regular, off-nominal and emergency situations;
  • remote control;
  • simulation of changes in external conditions;
  • recording the technological process states: automatically and / or manually;
  • selection and restoration of the technological process states;
  • launch of automated monitoring and assessment of the trainees’ actions;
  • monitoring and management of the process, including DCS and facilities in the field;
  • support for ‘pause’, ‘start simulation’ modes as well as changing the speed of the modeling process;
  • start of automatic logging of training process events, including all interventions in the course of the simulated process, as well as DCS messages;
  • automated formation and printing of the final protocol with an assessment of the actions of each trainee and the team as a whole


To simplify the creation of scenarios, technological object failures are specified not only from a structured list, but also on a detailed interactive technological scheme of the unit. When you click on the selected object, the corresponding technological unit can be automatically seen on the chart with a list of possible failures.

Simulated failures and emergencies

The total number of simulated failures and emergencies determines the quality and usefulness of the operators training to control the technological object.

A typical set of failures for the oil refining industry, implemented in the T-Soft training simulator complexes, includes:

Complex abnormalities

  • electrical supply to the equipment power drives is cut off;
  • supply of compressed air to the drives of the control valves is cut off;
  • fuel supply is interrupted and the furnace coils are depressurized;
  • steam supply is interrupted;
  • water supply is cut off; there is a malfunction of the elements of the water-treatment system;
  • raw materials supply is stopped;
  • pipelines are depressurized;
  • safety valves are released;
  • there is a fire at the unit or in separate rooms (with subsequent modeling of operation of the fire-extinguishing system);
  • there is a gas contamination of premises and release of explosive products into the atmosphere;
  • other emergencies within the emergency response plan of the simulated technological object.

Sensors failures

  • readings distortion (increase or decrease);
  • device readings drift in the direction of a predetermined mark with the subsequent ‘sticking’;
  • readings drift within specified limits
  • diagnostic equipment failure.

Valves failures

  • unauthorized opening;
  • unauthorized closing;
  • rotary mechanism jamming;
  • slip falling.

Technological equipment failure

  • overflow;
  • emptying; 
  • depressurization;
  • catching fire;
  • safety valves release.

Pumping equipment failure

  • pump motor failure;
  • starting equipment failure;
  • pump catching fire;
  • pump cooling system failure;
  • pump depressurization;
  • pump power decrease;
  • failure due to a long work on the closed discharge;
  • sediment escape due to errors during start-up stage or supply tanks emptying.

Compressor equipment failure

  • decrease in speed;
  • emergency stop;
  • vibration level increase and axial shift of the compressor;
  • compressor surging;
  • failure of measuring instrumentation in place;
  • lubrication and sealing systems failure;
  • pressure drop;
  • drive failure;

Control valves failures

  • control valve failure in a position corresponding to no supply of compressed air;
  • control valve failure in the ‘Open’ position;
  • control valve failure in the ‘Closed’ position;
  • control valve failure in the current position.

Other situations

  • change in fuel quality;
  • change in the composition of raw materials;
  • change of reagents;
  • heavy rainfall;
  • change in ambient air temperature.



Useful Materials


  • Working out PLAS scenarios on training complexes with a 3D "field"

  • english
    открывает широкие возможности для наработки навыков управления технологическим процессом в среде, максимально приближенной к реальной. 3D модель позволяет реалистично визуализировать все объекты в штатных, нештатных и аварийных ситуациях.
    ‘Field’ simulator, an interactive 3D virtual reality
    model offers great opportunities for working out skills of technological process management in the true-to-life environment. The 3D model allows one to realistically visualize all objects in regular, off-nominal and emergency situations.
    Field simulator, an interactive panorama of the technological unit
    allows the operating personnel to study the location of both control elements and facilities on the territory of the oil refinery unit.
    Field simulator, an interactive technological scheme
    is a generally accepted and understandable description of the technological process. The ‘field’ simulator allows one to interact with the control elements being simulated, which are located outside the operator’s room.
    The dynamic mathematical model of the technological process
    mathematical description of processes occurring in the equipment of a technological unit. The mathematical model correctly reacts to the actions of both DCS operators and field operators, as well as changes in the state of objects.
    Emulator of the distributed control system (DCS)
    exactly reproduces the features and interface of the operational control system. The emulator allows the DCS operator to develop correct practical skills of managing a technological unit of an oil refinery or chemical plant.