شرکت علمی و تولیدی LLC «T-Soft

Field simulator, an interactive panorama of the technological unit

Access to control elements located ‘in the field’ can be carried out on the basis of interrelated panoramic images of the territory of the technological unit. This method allows both studying the influence of local controls on the technological process, and the exact location of the controls on the unit location. Upon completing the training based on the panoramic map of the unit, the operator feels free while working with the apparatuses and other equipment of the technological unit.

Object management

Referring to the images of the controls, one can call up the corresponding virtual console and perform the necessary control actions. All the required technological objects and control elements, depicted in the panoramic images, are associated with the mathematical model of the process.

نمونه کارها

مواد مفید


  • Working out PLAS scenarios on training complexes with a 3D "field"

  • english
    открывает широкие возможности для наработки навыков управления технологическим процессом в среде, максимально приближенной к реальной. 3D модель позволяет реалистично визуализировать все объекты в штатных, нештатных и аварийных ситуациях.
    ‘Field’ simulator, an interactive 3D virtual reality
    model offers great opportunities for working out skills of technological process management in the true-to-life environment. The 3D model allows one to realistically visualize all objects in regular, off-nominal and emergency situations.
    Field simulator, an interactive technological scheme
    is a generally accepted and understandable description of the technological process. The ‘field’ simulator allows one to interact with the control elements being simulated, which are located outside the operator’s room.
    Training management, automated control and personnel assessment
    can be carried out either at the instructor’s station or at a remote station being is part of the factory’s Ethernet.
    The dynamic mathematical model of the technological process
    mathematical description of processes occurring in the equipment of a technological unit. The mathematical model correctly reacts to the actions of both DCS operators and field operators, as well as changes in the state of objects.
    Emulator of the distributed control system (DCS)
    exactly reproduces the features and interface of the operational control system. The emulator allows the DCS operator to develop correct practical skills of managing a technological unit of an oil refinery or chemical plant.