Field simulator, an interactive technological scheme

The most detailed display of the technological unit is the interactive technological diagram, which shows all equipment without exception including technological lines and fittings, instruments and control panels located ‘in place’. It is on the basis of the complete technological scheme that a hydraulic model of the process is created being used in the simulator.
When working out the majority of emergencies, the operator's actions ‘in the field’ are required. For example, in case there is the regulator failure, one is to move the corresponding valve to a handwheel, and when turning on the furnace, one is to unblock the gas and air release on the burners and ignite them. The need for working ‘in the field’ also occurs when starting and stopping compressors, pumps, locks triggering as well as in many other situations.
Using an interactive technological scheme to simulate working ‘in the field’ makes it possible for the trainees to form a comprehensive understanding of the processes that take place on the technological unit. To do this, the simulator models manually operated valves, compressors and pumps controls, furnaces, etc.
Object management
Management of various objects is carried out using 3D graphics. Such training is the most effective one: the trainee works with the parameters of the technological process on the basis of real objects images, their control logic being completely corresponding to the actual logic.
نمونه کارها
Complex simulators
Automated training system
Advanced process control systems
Computer-integrated simulator complexes
Automated teaching system
Complex simulator
Automated training system
مواد مفید