Alarm Management System

In the process of developing and implementing a process control system, due attention is not always paid to the development of a standard alarm ranking system. At the same time, in the process of improving the technological process and the control system, there is a significant increase in the number and variety of alarms. As a result, operators of complex process plants sometimes process thousands of alarms per day during normal plant operation. In the event of abnormal or emergency situations, the operator simultaneously receives such a number of messages that the person is not able to process. Under such conditions (without a thorough analysis of the technological process and the development of an effective system for ranking alarms), the operator's work can adversely affect the integrated safety and uninterrupted operation of the facility, as well as adversely affect the quality of products and production efficiency.
The solutions offered by T-Soft within the framework of the implementation of the System for Improved Alarms Ranging allow to optimize the workload on the operator when processing alarms about a technological process disturbance, as well as to reduce the possible consequences of emergencies.
The main task of the System is to determine the most important events at a given moment in time, to draw the operator's attention to them as much as possible, to simplify and accelerate the adoption of the right decision.
Alarm classification
The classification of alarms assumes the distribution of messages by priority, by blocks, by time of occurrence, by groups of users, by groups of parameters, as well as by an individual rating, which is determined by the degree of importance of the parameter.
The T-Soft company has developed and tested approaches that allow determining the main and secondary factors and parameters that affect the safety and uninterrupted operation of technological units, as well as indicators of quality and efficiency of production.
User interface
The operator interface is integrated into the existing DCS and is a special mnemonic scheme, an approximate appearance of which is shown in the figure. Interface forms are agreed with the Customer at the technical design stage.
The mnemonic diagram contains 3 windows for displaying alarms with different priorities (critical, urgent and current), an alarm filter, a button for switching to an emergency stop mimic, buttons for mute and acknowledgment of alarms. To diagnose the state of communication with the server, a communication presence marker "AC Module - READY / NO COMMUNICATION" is displayed on the mnemonic diagram.
نمونه کارها
Complex simulators
Automated training system
Advanced process control systems
Computer-integrated simulator complexes
Automated teaching system
Complex simulator
Automated training system
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